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Looking for a “one box” solution to collect and expose quickly & easily your data to your IoT applications?
You want to manage simply up to 50 Wirnet™ iFemtoCell Gateways (or iBTS and Wirnet™ Station) ?
You are looking for a LNS** to collect and expose the LoRaWAN™ data of your Kerlink Gateways ?
And of course, you are also very sensitive to end-to-end Network Security and solution robustness and reliability ?
Here is the Kerlink’s Wanesy™ SPN:
Specially designed for Small Private Networks, smart metering, smart cities, smart grid and smart agriculture, the Wanesy™ SPN is the perfect tool to simplify your deployment:
- No technical barrier: no need of cloud (possible but not mandatory), data available locally, LoRaWAN™ management of up to 50 Kerlink Gateways.
- No business brake: 3 years duration license, easy ROI calculation. So let’s start your own IoT network and unlock the power of your data !

Your benefits :
Quick deployment:
- Feature natively embedded in the Wirnet™ iFemtoCell Firmware.
- Allow management of up to 50 Kerlink Gateways (Wirnet™ iFemto, iBTS and Wirnet™ Station for the LoRa® information)
- Local availability of LoRa® data (cloud possible but not mandatory)
Easy operate: Configuration of your IoT network (Internet of Things):
- Massive import and connection of your LoRaWAN™ end-devices and Sensors
- Aggregation, storage and exposure of your LoRa® data in a secured solution for your IoT applications.
- Easy filtering per gateways, end-devices …
- Save and restore configuration easily

Simple supervision:
- End-devices status
- Gateways status
- And much more !

- Local availability of LoRa® data (cloud not required)
- Massive import and connection of your LoRaWAN ™ devices and sensors
- Aggregation, storage and exposure of your LoRa® data in a secure solution for your IoT applications
- Easy filtering by gateways, terminals ...
- Simplified status monitoring (Lora server)
- Saving and restoring your settings made easy
- This platform supports Kerlink gateways: Wirnet iFemtoCell, Station, IBTS.
- This solution is fully integrated into the firmware of Wirnet iFemtoCell: no additional cost for Cloud services.